We have made it to that sweet spot in the seasons. Early fall. My favorite for as long as I can remember and made official on the day we brought out son home in late September 2010.
That day was The Most Perfect Fall Day. There was a cool breeze as we carried him out of the hospital, swimming in his giant carseat. Not a touch of humidity in the air. Bright blue sky and leaves just starting to turn. Midwestern weather perfection.
I have a photo of that somewhere. How often do we say that?
I know exactly where to find the photos of his first days. Digitally, they are stored in the cloud on Dropbox and on an external harddrive that I can access from my desktop or laptop computers. There is a hard copy in our family photo album from 2010.

But there are many, many photos that are a little lost. Not lost for good, just harder to find because we don't have the same connection.
First steps, first haircut, the time we found the giant yellow leaf. First soccer game or baking cookies with Nana. As the years go by and events start to repeat, they pile and overlap in our memories until it's not as easy to find exactly what we're looking for in our photos. We can remember what, but not exactly when.
Digital photos that are organized not only by event or chronology, but by person and place is the best way to ensure that our photos are easily found. Most of the work I've done so far with Recollect has been scanning and preserving print photos. But organizing digital images is just as important. We must back them up and save them on reliable services and devices that will aid our memory keeping, not confuse it.
If you are interested in learning how to best save and organize your digital photos, get in touch with me and I will help you get started.
Facebook: @recollectphotos